We rely on our amazing judges to make our tournaments awesome!

Judge Recruitment Competition
Students and Families!
We want to thank you for inviting judges to the Last Act of Valor Tournament! The student that invites the most judges will win a gift card to In-n-Out or Chick-fil-A. You will need to make sure your judge registers and lets us know who your judge is.

Invite your neighbors, church family, grandparents, friends, or friends' parents to watch and give feedback to our incredible students!

Template to Invite Community Judges!
Good afternoon!

We would love to invite you to judge at a Christian, homeschool speech and debate tournament at the end of April. No previous experience is necessary, we are training our students to speak to the average thinking man and woman on the street! Plus, a training session will be held to address any questions you may have. This event will be held at two separate locations which can be found below. The competition will consist of students ages 12-18 from eight different states.

Thursday, April 25th
Community Lutheran Church
3575 E Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 920

Friday & Saturday April 26th - 27th
Carlsbad Community Church
3175 Harding St, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Our schedule can be found here. We would love to invite you to come approx. 40 minutes before the listed round start time so that you can receive a brief training session and make it to your round with ease! A variety of events will be held, feel free to view the descriptions here! We would greatly appreciate your presence with us and valuable feedback for our students!